
KYOWA Standard Apparatus Calibration Section has been accredited by ASNITE according to both accreditation standard ISO/IEC 17025 and accreditation scheme ISO/IEC 17011.

We are accredited under the Accreditation System of the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (ASNITE), which uses ISO/IEC 17025 as the accreditation criteria and the accreditation scheme is operated according to ISO/IEC 17011.

IAJapan, who is operating ASNITE, has signed MRA with Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).
KYOWA Standard Apparatus Calibration Section is a laboratory accredited by ASNITE and satisfies the requirement for MRA with ILAC and APAC

The Accreditation No. is "ASNITE 0130 Calibration"

Classification related to ASNITE (international MRA compliant) certification

Category related to certification: Acceleration

Date of first legal registration:2020-11-06

Effective Date of Initial Accreditation for International MRA:Centrifugal Acceleration Measuring Equipment, etc. [November 6, 2020]

Calibration method classification name [Date of registration update (effective accreditation date)]:Laboratory’s permanent facility

Calibration and Measurement Capabilities

Calibration method classification nameTypeRangeExpanded Uncertainty
(Level of Confidence Approximately 95 %)
Accelerometer applicable to centrifugal calibration based on ISO 16063-17 (Voltage Sensitivity)Accelerometer applicable to centrifugal calibration based on ISO 16063-17 (Voltage Sensitivity)9.807 m/s2
and 10 m/s2
0.5 %
19.61 m/s2
and 20 m/s2
0.4 %
49.03 m/s2
and 50 m/s2
0.7 %
98.07 m/s2
and 100 m/s2
0.4 %
196.1 m/s2
and 200 m/s2
0.4 %
490.3 m/s2
and 500 m/s2
0.4 %
980.7 m/s2
and 1000 m/s2
0.3 %
1961 m/s2
and 2000 m/s2
0.4 %
Accelerometer applicable to centrifugal calibration based on ISO 16063-17 (Voltage Ratio Sensitivity)9.807 m/s2
and 10 m/s2
0.5 %
19.61 m/s2
and 20 m/s2
0.5 %
49.03 m/s2
and 50 m/s2
0.5 %
98.07 m/s2
and 100 m/s2
0.4 %
196.1 m/s2
and 200 m/s2
0.3 %
490.3 m/s2
and 500 m/s2
0.3 %
980.7 m/s2
and 1000 m/s2
0.3 %
1961 m/s2
and 2000 m/s2
0.3 %
4903 m/s2
and 5000 m/s2
0.3 %
9807 m/s2
and 10000 m/s2
0.3 %

To Request for a Calibration Service

Please contact us through our Product Information Website.

Calibration Service